15 September 2022

The 30th anniversary edition of FILMFEST HAMBURG will take place from 29 September to 8 October, 2022. In ten sections, FILMFEST HAMBURG shows national and international feature films and documentaries as world premieres. The program spectrum ranges from sophisticated art house films to innovative mainstream cinema.


The films Amerikatsi (directed by Michael Gyurjyan, produced by PEOPLE OF AR Productions) and Aurora’s Sunrise (directed by Inna Sahakyan, produced by Bars Media production company) were included in the Kaleidoskop program of the film festival.


The films received partial state financial support from the National Cinema Center of Armenia within the structure of the RA Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport.




  • +374 (10) 52-20-32
  • +374 (10) 52-20-38
  • info@cfarmenia.am
  • Teryan 3a

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