06 March 2023
The working team of the National Cinema Center of Armenia recently returned from Berlin, where they participated with a stand in the European Film Market of the Berlin International Film Festival. The European Film Market is one of the most prestigious and sought-after industry platforms to meet co-production partners, present new projects, seek sources to finance or restore films and hold negotiations.
In 2023, a number of meetings and working discussions were held at the Armenian stand. The National Cinema Center of Armenia is summing up the work done at the European Film Market, bringing together important meetings and agreements that concern not only the 100th anniversary of Armenian cinema in 2023, but also the organization of international events dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Sergei Parajanov in 2024.
For the first time, Armenia participated in the European Film Market in 2019 without a stand; however, the following year, in 2020, the Cinema Center came up with a separate stand. A lot of work was done, the results of which became visible in subsequent years, and after the COVID-19 pandemic, in fact, it was the second time Armenia was represented on the market with a separate stand.
The accomplished work is already giving tangible results, which is not only due to the connections established in 2020, but also to the experience gained. Substantive agreements are already being reached about the previously discussed programs, and new proposals and programs are coming forward in parallel with them. This year, new projects have been elaborated with constant partners. The main emphasis is being made on emerging talents. The NCCA has reached agreements on providing platforms to our debutant producers and directors so that they can gain experience and create their own connections.
The top management staff of the NCCA met with Michel Plazanet, Deputy Director for European and International Affairs of the French CNC, and Jeremy Kessler, Head of the CNC International Department; during the meeting they discussed ways for more intensive cooperation between the two cinema institutions. In particular, the collaboration via «Aide aux cinémas du monde» fund and a possibility of organizing a 2-3-month course for emerging gifted screenwriters were discussed.
The issue of organizing a week of Armenian films’ showcase in Georgia on the eve of the 100th anniversary of Armenian cinema in 2023 was talked through with Maya Tchilashvili, the Deputy Director of the Georgian National Film Center (GNFC). In addition, the details of realizing the “Temple of Cinema” installation in Tbilisi on the occasion of S. Parajanov’s 100th anniversary in 2024 in cooperation with the Armenian Embassy in Georgia were considered.
Some issues related to the "Temple of Cinema" installation and shipment dates of the last batch of 25 boxes of unrestored outtakes from the film "The Color of Pomegranates" were talked over with film restoration expert, producer Daniel Bird.
A meeting was held with Elise Jalladeau, the executive director of the Thessaloniki International Film Festival. The issues of organizing screenings of Armenian films, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Armenian cinema and retrospective screenings of films by Armenian filmmakers in November 2023 as part of the Thessaloniki International Film Festival were discussed.
A meeting was held with the Director of the Film Center of Montenegro, Aleksandra Bozović. It was agreed to hold a showcase of Armenian films as a separate program dedicated to the centenary of Armenian cinema during the international film festival held in Herceg Novi in August. To add, it is intended to sign a bilateral cooperation agreement between the two Cinema Venters during the upcoming Marche du Film in Cannes.
The possibility of presenting a restored Armenian classical film in the Venice Classics section of the Venice International Film Festival in 2023 was discussed with the Head of the Venice Classics program, Mr. Gironi Federico. Pursuing the same goal, another meeting was held with Annika Haupts, Head of the Berlin Classics program of the Berlin International Film Festival, during which presenting of one restored Armenian film (fiction or documentary) in the Berlin Classics section in 2024 was considered.
Armenia's participation in the WEMW industry platform was discussed with WEMW Program Manager Alessandro Gropplero. An agreement was reached to organize a three-day training in Trieste for emerging talents from Armenia, Georgia and Moldova.
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