Director(s) Guj Tadevosyan
Script writer(s) Asya Trotskaya Gerzon
Camerman(s)Yuri Danilov
ActorsArthur Musin, Natalia Berger, Mike Aramian
Film producer(s)Guj Tadevosyan
Production Company(s)National Cinema Center of Armenia
30 min
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This is the story of moral choice in the difficult life situation of a girl Natasha, who cares for a disabled brother who survived a car accident in which their parents died. But the relationship with his brother is not the main thing in this story. The main thing is that a young girl, entering adulthood, stands at a crossroads. What to do, to commit an act that will change her life by a hundred and eighty degrees, but will save the situation, will give an opportunity to get out of a difficult situation or sacrifice important, but keep clean and save from the fall.
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